Consultant to help implement ISO 22301 Business Continuity Standard

If Something Can Go Wrong, It Will

‘If something can go wrong, it will’.

So, it is surprising to find out that over 60% of businesses in the Middle East do not have a Business Continuity Plan in place.

In light to the last 2 years, many businesses have had a wakeup call with the need for being prepared.  Business continuity is a necessity, and that has become painfully obvious for the many businesses, big and small, that have closed.

According to Ventures Middle East, the 10 top threats to Business Continuity in the Region are:

  • Cyber-attacks & Data breach
  • Adverse weather like Rain Floods, Sand Storms, Earthquakes etc.
  • Fire
  • Active War
  • Terrorism
  • Pandemics & Infectious Disease
  • Security incident
  • Unplanned IT or telecom outages
  • Supply chain disruption
  • Utility supply interruption

These can, and as we have seen, do cause serious damage to a business, its products or services, its reputation, and its continued existence. Now more than ever it is important to think continuity.

It doesn’t just affect big businesses! For SMEs it is critical to be prepared as you haven’t the resources that big companies and multi-conglomerates have.

Implementing the ISO 22301:2012 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) can help you identify the risks, action plan against them, keep your staff aware and put procedures in place to keep the business running when problems strike.

Among the benefits of implementing ISO 22301 BCMS are:

  • Reduces impact and frequency of business disruptions
  • Enhances your ability to respond when disruptions do occur
  • Gives you confidence in your responses and ensures appropriate and agile contingencies
  • Better stakeholder/interested party relationships
  • Protects and enhances your reputation and credibility
  • Improves your ability to win tenders
  • Greater visibility of business risks both externally and internally across the business
  • Cost savings through mitigating impact of disruptions

To maintain some surety in the marketplace, now is the time to think business continuity.

At Affiniax Partner we have a cost effective way to document the ISO 22301 BCMS, through using the Affiniax Toolkit.  We provide you with all the unique templated, the policies, processes, procedures and forms for you to completed in house and make the manual unique to your company.  If you would like to know more about the Toolkits, please contact us on or +971 54 745 0844.
We look forward to hearing from you!

+971 58 562 0168